Saturday, January 29, 2011

To Clarify

Well apparently I am a pure vegetarian

according to

"Thus, one who eats a pure vegetarian diet purely for health reasons...would not truly be considered vegan unless and until such people commit to reverence for all conscious life. That ‘reverence’ component means violent activism is also not vegan.

In veganism, health benefits don’t take precedence over respect for other animals or environmental awareness, or caring about humanity. All are of equal and interconnected importance."

My health is my #1 concern when compared to animals and environmental awareness. Don't get me wrong. Its not that I don't care about such things, I do, It's that my passion is health and forever will be. So to clarify I'm not going vegan. I will be eating a vegan diet which supposedly makes me a "pure vegetarian".

Friday, January 28, 2011


Nothing particularly new of note, yet keeping extraordinarily busy. It is nice though, I have a deeper appreciation for empty weekends where nothing is planned but workouts and meal times :)
I went on another 2 mile run yesterday and got myself up early for the extra special event. Running to me, now, means so much more than just exercise, or getting skinny. Its a way to feel amazingly strong and successful. Its like giving yourself a pat on the back for putting up with life's stressors. Its a rewarding feeling really. Its taken me awhile to realize that what you do to your body or with your body is the only thing that you can control. Trying to control the life of another person or another situation is like heaving a world of stress onto your shoulders. Your not God. Leave those situations to Someone that can handle them. From what you eat, and what you wear, to what you do to get yourself off up the couch; its all up to YOU. And its such a fantastic feeling to know that I'm able to control SOMETHING in life... myself. Ahhhhh, yup, it feels good.

On a new note, I have made the decision to go Vegan (with the exception of honey). I am in search of a healthier lifestyle, and have found becoming vegan to be, well, quite becoming. This past year is what I've been calling my "off year". From giving in to certain food related temptations to not motivating myself to get off my @$$, i've been taking the easy way out of things. "Oh surely just ONE won't hurt"( and then the whole bag is empty before I know it) and "I just don't feel up to it today"; I call these demon phrases. Certainly I can't be saying this. None-the-less these are the kinds of things that I won't be telling myself this year. This also gives me the chance to pull out my creative cap and come-up with healthier vegan alternatives. This should be interesting... I have, so far, found a delicious split pea soup recipe that is just as satisfying as ever. My search for whole wheat flour/spelt flour/ ANY "whole" flour has been a fail. I have made it a priority to hunt for this item, as it will definitely broaden my recipe landscape.

well, hope all is well to all
Pajoua pon - [Pajowah pone] - Godbless you!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Let's get down to Busy-ness

I feel so accomplished!
My biggest accomplishment this week you ask?
I went on a run! A RUN! My first run in 10 weeks. oh how glorious. I've never felt more amazing. My foot has healed enough for me reduce the amount of bandaging on it to just gauze pads and vet wrap, now making it fittable in my running shoe. Meanning... I can RUN. Which brings me one step closer to my Goal #1, Triathlon here I come.
My second biggest accomplishment??
My first week of teaching was a success. Not as difficult as I thought it to be, with a few hours each day devoted to lesson planning, then an evening class, it works pretty well.
What else are you doing in Laos??? (So many questions)
Here in Laos I'm keeping busy; Lao lessons, Skills Center (teaching English to Children), Meetings, and Teaching at ARDA, ( oh! and working out) pretty much fill up my week. I love it! Keeping busy is my sort of thing.
speaking of which I've got a lesson plan to write....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ringing in the New Year

Here it is, my first blog starting out this amazing new year.
This year for me will be a year of adventure and growth, beginning with being able to watch a Cheetah chase on African soil, boating in an estuary filled to the brim with sleepy hippos, getting burnt to a crisp (and loving every second of it) on the warm beaches of St. Lucia, as well as flying off to the country of Laos to live and teach English for a year (whoa!). I'd say I'm off to a pretty good start.
My teaching experience is taking place at ARDA (Anglican Relief and development Agency) Language Center in Vientiane, Laos. I will be teaching 5 days a week to local Lao students most of which will be older than myself. By this time next year I will have taught 2 terms of English in a foreign place on the opposite end of the globe, all for a purpose. For I know that I am meant for so much more than wasting my time "getting ahead" in work, school, & life. Helping the lives of others is what I've been called to do and what we've all been called to do really. And having joy in helping others is where we help ourselves. I strongly believe that once we let go of selfish ambitions and thrive to help others, we will greatly benefit. That said I am stoked for this term of teaching and what is to come. Currently I am listening to "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson, and it couldn't be a more perfect way of explaining the feelings I have about me being where I am. "I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, though it's not easy to tell you goodbye, gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change and breakaway" You can't learn how to fly if you don't spread your wings. As corny as this sounds I believe it to be utterly true. How can you reach your full potential if you don't take a risk, take a chance, or make a change in your life? Life is filled with golden opportunities that are often not taken because of fear. This is my golden opportunity and I'm taking it and flying with it and lord-willing it will change me for the better.
As for my first week being in Laos it's been wonderfully busy and full of exciting new things. Whenever I need groceries I walk to the market and find pretty much any and every fresh fruit or vegetable imaginable. Needless to say, I'm in heaven. Even in the grocery stores they have Musli, natural peanut butter, wild Lao honey, whole wheat pasta, brown rice milk, almond milk, fresh eggs, assorted legumes, and "fitness" bread (super dense, and super delicious). Pretty much everything I need, they have. Free-weights are also sold here and interestingly enough come only in 3, 6, 7, & 9lbs. Oddly the 6lb weights that Rebecca got feel significantly lighter than my 5lb-ers that I brought from the states. Even so I still bought the 9lb weights hoping to add a little 'umph' to my morning workouts. Speaking of exercise I have set goals for myself to accomplish throughout this year, not necessarily relating to exercise (though some have entirely to do with it) but goals just the same. My first goal of this new year is something that I won't be able to accomplish until next year but can train for during my time here.
Goal #1: When I get back to the states I hope to compete in and finish a triathlon and maybe a few marathons. And perhaps make this a new hobby. Since having a few close-call experiences, I have realized how fortunate I am to have everything I have, limbs included. Therefore I will no longer take advantage of my feet and intend to use them to their full potential until I wear them to nubs.
Goal #2: Become involved in the children's ministry. There is a skills center here that invites Lao children to learn about the word of G'od, the children meet 3 days a week and since I am able I intend to help out on 2 of the 3 days. I'm definitely charged (I'm running out of adjectives) to see how G'od will use me at the center.
Goal #3: (Relates to Goal #1 but more personal) Get into the best shape of my life! This includes the energy I put in to my body (food/diet) and how I will expend it (exercise). Eating delicious, healthy food is easy to do here given the array of good eats, and since I'm on a budget I'm "forced" to cook for myself. I love it!
Of course working out and eating right is not something I could do by myself. Temptations do set in, and knowing that I have the strength of my almighty father is what keeps me strong. This passage keeps me motivated through tempting situations and pushes me towards becoming successful at accomplishing Goal #3; No temptations has seized you except what is common to man. And G'od is Faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
- 1 Corinthians 10:13.
Its my passion; good food and exercise. I could write a whole blog post about how I'm going about achieving this goal and how delighted I am to know that I will soon have it achieved. In fact I just might ;)

More updates to come soon! And looking back on this post I think i'll be needing to update more than once a week...

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